Friday, June 29, 2012



When I see the sky full of stars
One of my bright stars was moved into your eyes
When I look into your eyes
I shall feel of trust, safe, and tenderness
I can see you brought those smiles
You draw one, two, three..
Over my face

Whisper me happiness                                
Whisper me my sweetness
Whisper me you’ll be flawlessly reach the stars you want


Innocently came into my life
Innocently put the smile on my face
Innocently put the tears on my cheeks
Innocently kiss me goodbye
Innocently wave me goodbye to leave

Leave me smiles
Leave me memories


Pelajaran Singkat yang Bermakna

Satu hal yang tim IES Project 2011 pelajari setelah Direct Survey ke SMAN 1 Sukanegara,yang berlokasi di Cianjur selatan. Berjarak 45 KM dari pusat kota.
Yakni ternyata, sekolah di daerah memiliki potensi yang luar biasa. Akses bukanlah halangan bagi mereka untuk  bersekolah. Namun, yang kami sayangkan sebenarnya mereka ingin ada Ekstrakurilar lain: KIR bahasa dll, tapi mereka belum memiliki keberanian yang cukup untuk BERSUARA. Mereka takut pihak sekolah tidak akan menyetujui keinginan mereka, padahal setelah kami berdialog dengan pihak sekolah, yang diwakili oleh Kepala Sekolahnya, menyatakan sanggup dan tangan terbuka untuk semua aspirasi siswa, jika hal tersebut memang untuk kemajuan siswa .

Ingat, setiap perubahan lahir dari sebuah Inisiatif dan keberanian untuk merealisasikannya. Jadi, pelajar Indonesia jangan takut untuk berSUARA, kembangkan idemu, maksimalkan potensimu. Karena kalianlah calon Pemimpin Bangsa di masa depan!

The Development of Entrepreneuships’s Competence to Enhance Students’ Independence Tomorrow is YOURS!

The Development of Entrepreneuships’s Competence  
to Enhance Students’ Independence

Tomorrow is YOURS!

First of all I would like to thank to God Allah SWT, that has given us favor and mercy especially for today we could be together in this special occasion. And I also don’t forget to thank to the committees to give me this time.
We gather around to discuss one great theme as The Development of Entrepreneurship’s Competence to Enhance The Students’ Independence”, in this opportunity I’d like to deliver this speech of mine related to our main theme, titled as “Tomorrow is YOURS”

Ladies and Gentlemen

Before we go down to our discussion, judging from the main theme, I’d propose to put ourselves about the meaning of Entrepreneurship’s Competence  on the same page first. Entrepreneurship’s Competence here is the ability to have, to master, and to maintain a particular self-aspects.
Then from now on, I’d consider that we’re already on the same page. And so, we shall continue.

Ladies and Gentlemen
I must say that I am a zero experience of anything related to Entrepreneurship thingy. Accordingly, I’ve gone for such a little observation asking out a few gentlemen, some of the men in the suit, and some of whose jobs require these particular self-aspects. They answered me with a variant aspects of what an entrepreneur should have. Previously, I mentioned a particular self-aspects, right ? here I’ll elaborate of what included in that particular self-aspects and let’s also hear what the people I asked as well.
1.      Joko Wahyu, a head of theatre studio said “ Entrepreneurship is to run a private enterprise, and an entrepreneur must have his/her own capitals..”
Capitals meant here are :
·         Financially
·         Perseverance
·         Bravery
2.      Eki Kusuma, a group commander of Sentinel. Said, “ be a competent entrepreneur must have..”  :
·         A strong motivation
·         The ability to analyze the market
·         Financially supported

3.      Avil Ardendo, a General Manager of Taman Indraloka who’s also a college student on his final year. He said “..what comes to make an Entrepreneur competent, according to Wiki-Answer are..” :
·         Integrity
·         Conceptual Skill
·         Costumer Sensitivity
·         Networking
·         Strategic Thinking
·         Commercial Aptitude
·         Decisiveness
·         Optimism
·         People Focus
·         Persistence
4.      Heri, my own uncle who once ran a contracting business, owner of a Tour and Travel Company. I asked him whether he agreed or not with the previous opinions, and he agreed with :
§  Motivation
§  Bravery
§  Conceptual Skill
§  A minor influence of living-environment and a re-conditioned environment

Indeed, they said a variant aspects. But, at least I know what they agreed in common. Capitals meant here are:
§  Self-ability -  Determination - Conceptual Skill
§  Mentality - Bravery
§  Financial

Ladies and Gentlemen
After we together analyzed the self-aspects of what an entrepreneur should have, now let’s we go down to the relation between Entrepreneurship’s Competence with Students’ Independence. Students’ Independence here can be interpreted as :
1)     The ability to have the mindset of “not becoming the worker” or “to-work-to-oriented”
2)     The ability to cope in every situations, to put themselves as the condition needed
Let’s we study them one by one. First is, The ability to have the mindset of ‘not becoming the worker’ or ‘to-work-to-oriented’. This in specified meaning, as once we graduate, It’s not about what job is going to be, where you’ll work, or to whom you work, it’s about YOU. Creating that job, and you even create the job vacancies for others, helping the Government to overcome the un-employees issue in our country. And this mindset grows as we the students developing their small-beginning business. Then, somehow implanted on their minds, “..once I finish my studies, I’m going to buy myself a nice, big, and fancy office. Where all my daily-business run, where all my employees working, and all my company errands operating..”
This is what should be implanted on their minds as their big motivation to start their small-beginning business after graduation. To make it even bigger, to expand its cope even wider.

Secondly, is The ability to cope in every situations, to put themselves as the condition needed. It refers to the every situation that an entrepreneur will be facing.
It first takes a strong will, motivation, and a firm determination to start everything with. Next, it’ll have every entrepreneur-to be a bravery to begin the starting-business. Then, they should have a proper management, or a team to make the business works. On the next phase, it’s their beginning motivation as in firm determination that will help or assist them to cope in every stumble and fall circumstances.

And imagine this, on every process they’re facing, it’s teaching them how to control themselves of what it takes to survive on every circumstances. They will learn how to be firm, consistent, risk-baring, to have the integrity, conceptual and strategic thinking, costumer sensitivity, persistence, and even tolerance. Because they have to work as a team and a good team is who’s respecting each other. And of course, the very important aspect Leadership, since they were the one who began the business, they had to become the leader. A leader to a team, and a leader for themselves.
This is a process of what so called as Character-office, creating a new Independent Student or after all  a newborn successful entrepreneur.

Ladies and Gentlemen
In conclusion, to have a qualified Entrepreneurship’s Competence , an entrepreneur-to be must have, master, and maintain the required self-aspects in order to cope and to lead the market. Or in my personal conclusion, Entrepreneurship’s Competence  can be defined by two persistent aspects:
1.      Determination
2.      Consistency

Ladies and Gentlemen
I did tell you that I am a zero experience in entrepreneurships thingy, right ? but since I am, it is true that I have this curiosity of wanting to taste, to know how it feels. And this curiosity will grow to be a will, a motivation, and a firm determination. Then, I want to be a young successful entrepreneur. We do agree that it’s easier saying than doing it, but I do believe with consistency, we would cope. So, do you ? do you want to  help our Government to decrease the number of un-employees in our beloved country and increase the GNP ? Do you ?
Before I end this speech, I’d like to say that it’s indeed right, what people say that ’nothing is impossible’ well, unless you want to be a cyborg instead of human like an Iron Man, or becoming a vampire like Bella Swan who has everything in Edward’s life. The answer is, Definitely YES, IMPOSSIBLE.
Ladies and Gentlemen
I think it’s the end of my speech. I beg your pardon if I made a mistake of I might have said some unpleasant words. Thank you so much for your attention, I hope you had an enjoy-listening.
Last one from me, Do what you Love, and Love what you do. Because Tomorrow is YOURS !

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Exercise Page 8 - 9

Fill in the blanks with when, while, because, since, if, unless, before, after, wherever, although, so that, or as if.

1.      When Edison invented a lamp which conducted electricity, gas had been the chief means of lighting home and streets.
2.      I saw an old friend of mine while I was entering the building.
3.      Though his car was much too small, he decided to sell it.
4.      He won’t pass the examination unless he study harder.
5.      Wherever he went, he was warmly received.
6.      The executive acts, as if he owns the company.
7.      If I get the money on time, I can go on vacation.
8.      Although she spends a lot of money on clothes, they never seem to suit her.
9.      I have a lot of extra work to do because my assistant is on vacation.
10.  Since they moved into an expensive apartment, they have become very snobbish.
11.  When someone broke into her house and stole her jewelry, she was next door chatting with her neighbour.
12.  It’s because warm today so that I’m going to the beach.
13.  Though my uncle has worked hard all his life, he could never save up enough money to go on a long vacation.
14.  We will go to the theatre with you tonight if  we can get a baby-sitter.
15.  Don’t give this package to him before he sign a receipt for it.
16.  We’re as pleased with these new towels so that we’re going to buy some more.
17.  After Hitler believed that Germans were the master race, he set out to conquer all of Europe.
18.  When I was in South Africa last year, I learned to speak Spanish.
19.  He looks as if he hasn’t ever changed his clothes.
20.  Repairs will be made if they are necessary.