- (Should we wait for him ?) I wonder if we should wait for him.
- (Did She borrow your dictionary ?) I want to know whether she borrowed your dictionary or not.
- (Does she need any help ?) I wonder if she need any help.
- (Is he having trouble ?) The fact that she’s having trouble is not surprising me.
- (Does it belong to Jake ?) I want to know whether it belongs to Jake or not.
- (Is there life on other planets ?) I want to know if there’s a life on other planets.
- (Will people live on the moon someday ?) I wonder if people will live on the moon someday.
- (Is this information correct ?) Could you tell me if this information is correct or not ?
- That dictionary is good. I wonder if that dictionary is good or not.
- Those glasses are expenssive. I want to know if those glasses are expenssive
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Noun Clauses
Noun Clauses
Adinda Duta MDGs Jawa Barat in Action !
Adinda Duta MDGs Jawa Barat in Action !
Berselang 2 minggu semenjak kepulangan Dinda
panggilan akrabnya, mengikuti serangkaian acara “I Speak for MDGs” di Jakarta
selama kurang lebih 1 minggu, Duta MDGs Jawa Barat yang sejak tanggal 20
September 2010 telah resmi menjabat sebagai duta ini, mulai gerak aktif dalam
mensosialisasikan semangat pencapaian MDGs, di daerahnya yakni Cianjur. Diawali
dengan sosialisasi di sekolahnya SMAN 1 Cianjur, dengan menyampaikan pidato
singkat seusai upacara bendera Senin 21/10/2010. Seluruh warga smansa pun menyambut baik sosialisasi
MDGs dengan memegang esensi penting dari MDGs yakni “komitmen” dimana seluruh
elemen bangsa memiliki tanggung jawab yang sama akan keberhasilan pencapaian
MDGs di Indonesia di tahun 2015. Selepas pidato Dinda pun diundang untuk
langsung berbicara dengan Kepala Sekolah SMAN 1 Cianjur beserta jajarannya,
terkait kegiatannya selama di Jakarta serta tanggung jawab yang diembannya
setelah resmi menjabat sebagai duta yaitu merealisasikan
project yang sudah di presentasikan dan disahkan di Jakarta. Kembali pihak
sekolah siswi yang duduk di kelas XII IPA 1 ini disambut dengan apresiasi yang
tinggi baik mengenai MDGs maupun project
yang akan ia realisasikan.
Tak lama berselang, Dinda
pun mulai bergerak lebih luas lagi untuk mensosialisasikan dan mempublikasikan
MDGs dan project nya. Setelah
memiliki tim duta yang saat ini
berjumlah 10 orang dan masih membuka lowongan, kemudian tim memutuskan untuk
langkah selanjutnya adalah sospub di
depan Kepala Sekolah seluruh SMA/SMK/MA di Cianjur pada tanggal 4 Oktober 2010,
mengingat salah satu komponen subjek penting project nya adalah kepala sekolah.
Dalam kesempatan MKKS atau Musyawarah dan Kerja Kepala Sekolah ini,
lagi-lagi animo seluruh kepala sekolah begitu baik diluar dugaan mereka begitu
antusias ingin berpartisipasi dalam acara-acara MDGs bahkan menawarkan sekolah
yang mereka pimpin untuk dijadikan target
subjek Project IES Implanting
Education System nama project Dinda beserta tim yang memiliki tujuan utama
yaitu “Mengurangi kesenjangan kualitas antara sekolah SBI dan Non-SBI”. Sospub
tersebut meskipun hanya dihadiri ¼ dari keseluruhan jumlah yakni 340 sekolah,
namun acara yang di agendakan 30 menit ini berjalan sukses.
Tidak berhenti disitu
sospub pun dilanjutkan dengan bergerak ke SMA/SMK/MA di Cianjur kota dengan
jumlah kurang lebih 15 sekolah, dengan menugaskan 2 orang timnya yakni Syadza
Alifa dan Nikmatun Khaerunissa sospub pun berhasil dilakukan dengan baik. Dan
mendapat apresiasi yang baik serta masukan-masukan positif bagi proyeknya.
Dan yang terbaru Dinda
diundang untuk beraudiensi dengan Bupati Cianjur Bapak Drs. H. Tjetjep Muchtar
Soleh, MM pada tanggal 9 November 2010 di kediaman beliau, untuk berdialog
langsung sebagai Duta MDGs. Dalam kesempatan ini Dinda yang didampingi oleh
Kepala Desa Hegarmanah Bapak Dedi Rahman, diminta untuk menceritakan pengalaman
– pengalaman apa saja yang didapat selama di Jakarta, terutama ketika mendapat
kesempatan beraudiensi dengan Bapak Wakil Presiden, Ir. Boediono. “Muhun leres
di ngawangun SBI henteu mokuskeun kana ningkatkeun kwalitas na mung oge kana
sarana jeung prasaranana, malihan mah” , sahut orang nomor 1 di Kab. Cianjur
Sebagai kaum muda yang
berpotensi, semangat yang menggelora, serta masa-nya yang produktif, sudah
sepatutnya berkarya mengembangkan diri, menorehkan prestasi berguna bagi
masyarakat, bangsa, dan negara.
“I Miss My Clean Water”
Miss My Clean Water”
ater? What is the first thing that
comes out from your head after hearing the word Water? (taking a bath, cooking, and
bla..bla..bla..) If
these kind of words you mean, exactly. Water is such a crucial element on earth
that directly related to humans, animals, and plants. The existence of water
makes the earth balance. Here I have a sample of case.
“The Aral Sea in Central Asia
was once the world’s fourth biggest inland sea, and one of the world’s most
fertile regions. But, economic mismanagement had turned the area into a toxic
desert. The two rivers feeding the sea, the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya, were
diverted in a Soviet scheme to grow cotton in the desert. Between 1962 and
1994, the level of the
Aral Sea fell by 16 metres.
The surrounding region now has one of the highest infant mortality in the
world, and anemia and cancers caused by chemicals blowing off the dried sea bed
are common”. The matter above is a sample of case that lack of clean water.
Because water is source of
life. No water, it means no life. Now we’re talking about a “Clean Water”. So
allow me to tell you
the importance why we should keep the water clean.
Nowadays clean water is
getting difficult to find. Do you have any idea why? There are so many reasons
why does it could be happened. Such as:
- Throwing the garbage everywhere
- Industrial wastes
- Natural disasters
First, is throwing the garbage
everywhere is the same case that happened in Bandung 4years ago. Still remember
about the
biggest case ever happened in Bandung about garbage? Yes, it was once called
“The Sea of Garbage”. For throwing the garbage everywhere is a people habit
that doesn’t really care to their own life environment. They knew it can cause
a bad impact, but they just did it again and again.
Second, is industrial waste.
Many industries doing the process of producing didn’t support the green living. They put the waste
materials to place where they’re not supposed to be. Which is can make
environment pollution. As we all know that it’s literally dangerous for the
living creatures especially humans who live surrounded. It is
possible for them to use the water which has contaminated by a dangerous
And the
last, is natural disaster. Natural disaster is one of the reasons why clean
water is hard to find. For example now on often happens is flood. Particularly
in this unpredictable season, flood can make clean water becomes a dirty water.
And a dirty water can’t be used anymore because it has been polluted by so many
chemical things like garbage, etc.
Have we
ever thought of what would happen if those happened continuously? I’ve told
that no water means no life, right? People use water almost in every daily life
activities like taking a bath, cooking, eating, and so on. Can you imagine what
would happen if a dirty water that they use everyday? Guys, dirty water
contains a thousands of bacteries and bacteries can be a source of diseases,
and diseases can create a death for us!! See, it is so bad if we don’t keep the
water clean.
government is really sad about this. And I’m sure we do all feel the same way.
The government is trying to overcome this issue by making the rules. For
example is in Cianjur. There’s a Regency rules No. 15 2004 about “5K“. It’s all
including about to keep a health life environment. Also as the worlds issue the
United Nation and its member countries have come up with MDGs target #7 that is
”To ensure environmental sustainability”
And for
the young generation, including me also, have an important role in keeping a
healthy environment. Maybe we play a small role but it is also important.
simplest way we can do is putting the rubbish or garbage into the
place where its belong, or to voice to our friends to keep our environment
But I
think it is all going back to us, it is
all depending to our ownselves. If we don’t start it by now, then when? I’m
sure, I can even put you 100% that we’re going to have a better life, much more
better. And you know why? Because we can be far diseases, have a healthy life,
a clean air and of course hospitals are going to be empety because we’re all
healthy and never get sick, right?
So please
I miss my clean water, I miss where there’s no more crying, teardrops,
suffering, and dying because we’re lack of clean water.
Start it
by now, talk less do more. Because every little piece of things you do, means a
lot for the earth. Do they make sense to you guys? Do you agree with me?
Global Warming
Love the
earth as you love your self.
talk, Let’s Stand Up Take Action
Adinda Juliani K
Speak for MDGs
Youth Ambassador – Indonesia
The life of Princess Alora
The life of Princess Alora
day a girl sitting under the tree and writing something on her diary. She tried to memorize what she had back
when she was still in the kingdom. Alora, there she lived unhappy, being a true
caged-bird abode by what so called as ‘the rules’.
Growing up she turned to be such a goddess. Well known as
the most beautiful crowned-princess among all the kingdom(s) in that wealthy
country. Because of her beauty, her parents King Arthur and Queen Elizabeth
were afraid of her husband to-be. Soon they came up with a marriage plan with
the crowned-prince from the Southern Kingdom, Prince Jack. Alora knew Prince
Jack wasn’t a good man. He was an ambitious and obssesive man who would do
anything to get what he obssesed. And she knew, the only reason Prince Jack
agreed of the marriage plan was to take over the kingdom. Then she declined the
marriage, and as her rebellion proof she ran away from both the marriage and
the kingdom just right one day before the wedding.
One her way, she met Zeke a son of a carpenter. A humble,
honest and only by showing his modesty Alora fell in love with Zeke. She told
him everything about why she was escaping and Zeke knew she was the
crowned-princess who was missing form the kingdom. And so, he calmed Alora down
and began to fall in love with her then proposed her to marry him. But, as
first Zeke wanted Alora’s parents to know. Alora first refused afraid of Zeke
would be sentenced to death. But, he could convince her. So, they went to the
After they arrived at the kingdom, they directly looked
for Alora’s Parents. As he showed his ways of convincing with his modesty King
Arthur and Queen Elizabeth could finally accept their marriage. So they married
and lived happily ever after.
And on the last page of her diary she wrote... My life.
Adinda Juliani K
Saturday, April 7, 2012
#2nd Assignment Direct-Indirect Speech
A. Direct Speech :
B. Indirect Speech :
- I said : " How could you do this to me ? You said you'd keep your words"
- He said : "I never wanted any of these happened , but it's just that it's not the time. Let's not rush on any.."
- "Things will never happen without a reason, you'll understand just why..", She said
- I said : " If only you knew, you're are the first of many who did succeed make me feel warm, peace, and safe.."
- He said :"If only she knew, how much I wanted things bloom flawlessly more than she could ever imagine.."
B. Indirect Speech :
- She said she was disappointed of what he was trying to explain.
- He said he never wanted anything would ever hurt her in anyway, but he just couldn't stand up right at that time.
- She said we would understand the reason for anything happened to us, cause nothing came for no reason.
- She said that he was the only guy who ever made her feel that way.
- He said that he wanted things to bloom flawlessly and that she was the only girl he could ever pour out to.
Anak Muda Turut Bicara tentang MDGs/Audiensi IFL dan 3 Duta MDGs bersama Wapres RI.
Anak Muda Turut Bicara tentang MDGs/Audiensi IFL dan 3 Duta MDGs bersama Wapres RI.
Anak Muda Turut Bicara tentang MDGs
Indonesia Future Leaders beraudiensi dengan Wakil Presiden

Optimistis pada generasi penerus. Wakil Presiden Boediono sedang menuliskan pesan untuk anak-anak Indonesia. (foto: Kris Hadiyanto)
Istana Wakil Presiden. Berulang kali di berbagai kesempatan, Wakil Presiden (Wapres) Boediono menyampaikan keyakinannya bahwa banyak anak-anak muda Indonesia yang sangat peduli terhadap kemajuan bangsa. Keyakinan itu, salah satunya, terbukti dengan kehadiran sekelompok anak muda ke Kantor Wapres pada Kamis 16 September 2010. Mereka adalah anak-anak muda yang memiliki optimisme untuk mewujudkan wajah Indonesia di masa depan yang lebih baik lagi. Anak-anak muda itu tergabung dalam Indonesia Future Leaders (IFL).
President IFL Muhammad Iman Usman tidak datang sendirian menghadap Wapres. Ia membawa serta beberapa duta yang tahun ini aktif mengampanyekan pentingnya pencapaian Millenium Development Goals (MDGs). Kampanye dan sosialisasi MDGs adalah salah satu program penting IFL tahun ini yang juga mendapat dukungan dari Kantor Perwakilan Perserikatan bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) di Indonesia.
Siang itu, Iman datang bersama tiga Duta MDGs yakni Rozana Pratiwi dari Universitas Hassanudin Makassar , Lutvi Amin dari SMAN I Blitar, dan Adinda Juliani Kdari SMAN I Cianjur. Turut hadir pula Jessica Angkasa, mahasiswi Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) yang juga Ketua Pelaksana program I Speak for MDGs. Sedangkan yang mendampingi mereka adalah Utusan Khusus Presiden Indonesia untuk MDGs Nila Moeloek dan juga Koordinator Nasional PBB untuk MDGs Campaign Wilson Siahaan. IFL adalah organisasi anak muda yang menginginkan pengembangan kepemimpinan di kalangan kaum muda Indonesia.“Pengurus IFL berjumlah 30 orang dan berusia di bawah 24 tahun serta tidak dibayar,” ujar Iman.
“Saya senang dan bangga sekali melihat anak-anak muda mempunyai inisiatif seperti ini,” ujar Wapres. Fokus pada estafet kepemimpinan kepada generasi muda, menurut Wapres, adalah fokus yang sangat tepat. Program mengkampanyekan MDGs juga merupakan tema yang tepat, sehingga tinggal mengisinya dengan kegiatan pas. "Pimpinan masa depan, tidak hanya pintar secara akademis, tetapi juga memiliki sikap dan integritas. Kalau saya masih muda pasti saya akan ikut IFL,” ujar Wapres dengan mimik wajah serius.
“Kami yakin, pencapaian MDGs perlu melibatkan anak-anak muda,” ujar Iman. IFL mengupayakan penyebaran kesadaran mengenai MDGs sejak awal 2010 melalui sejumlah talkshow, kompetisi proyek pengembangan masyarakat, dan perkemahan relawan ke berbagai sekolah di Indonesia. “Salah satu bentuk kerjasama IFL dengan PBB adalah menggelar program I Speak for MDGs,” ujar Wilson. Rangkaian kegiatan I Speak for MDGs dimulai dengan pengumpulan 55.000 kartu pos berisi testimoni anak-anak dari 12 provinsi tentang pendidikan. Kartu pos yang terkumpul akan disusun menjadi sebuah komposisi Peta Indonesia yang akan dipamerkan.
Wapres menyetujui pandangan Iman bahwa pencapaian MDGs tidak bisa hanya mengandalkan Pemerintah, melainkan juga harus melibatkan masyarakat termasuk generasi muda. “Kesehatan dan pendidikan adalah kunci pencapaian MDGs, karena fokusnya pada manusia,”ujar Wapres. Sejarah menunjukkan bahwa kunci kemajuan suatu bangsa adalah manusia, bukan berdasarkan jumlah melainkan kualitasnya. Kesehatan merupakan hardware manusia, dan pendidikan adalah software-nya.
Para Duta MDGs juga masih mengeluhkan mutu pendidikan di Indonesia, Misalnya, kurikulum yang terlalu berat dengan begitu banyaknya mata pelajaran di sekolah formal. “Ada beberapa mata pelajaran yang tidak perlu diajarkan di sekolah formal,” ujar Juliani. Masih belum cukup dengan keluhan mengenai kurikulum, Juliani juga mempertanyakan kualitas guru. Ia mengibaratkan generasi penerus bangsa adalah sebuah botol kosong, dan isi botol itu kelak sangat tergantung pada yang mengisinya. “Siapa yang mengisinya? Guru-guru itulah yang akan mengisinya, bagaimana bisa kita berharap jika kualitas guru kurang baik?” ujar Juliani.
Memang, kunci pendidikan yang baik dan berkualitas terletak pada kurikulum yang pas. “Pembawa kurikulum yang tidak lain guru harus dapat mengajarkan dengan baik,”ujar Wapres menanggapi keluhan Juliani. Saat ini, memang kurikulum masih terasa terlalu berat dan juga kemampuan para guru belum merata. “Tetapi sambil menunggu perbaikan, jangan menyerah. Tetap semangat belajar ya,” ujar Wapres yang mencontohkan pemanfaatan internet sebagai alternatif untuk menutupi segala kekurangan yang ada."Kelemahan yang ada jangan menjadi excuse," tambah Wapres.
Pada kesempatan itu, IFL juga meminta Wapres menulis pesan kepada seluruh anak-anak Indonesia yang akan disebarluaskan ke seluruh Indonesia. "Selamat berkarya, jika untuk kemajuan generasi muda, pasti saya dukung," tutur Wapres. (Bey Machmuddin).
http://www.wapresri.go.id/index/preview/kegiatan/647 : sumber situs resmi wapres RI
Indonesia Future Leaders beraudiensi dengan Wakil Presiden
Optimistis pada generasi penerus. Wakil Presiden Boediono sedang menuliskan pesan untuk anak-anak Indonesia. (foto: Kris Hadiyanto)
Istana Wakil Presiden. Berulang kali di berbagai kesempatan, Wakil Presiden (Wapres) Boediono menyampaikan keyakinannya bahwa banyak anak-anak muda Indonesia yang sangat peduli terhadap kemajuan bangsa. Keyakinan itu, salah satunya, terbukti dengan kehadiran sekelompok anak muda ke Kantor Wapres pada Kamis 16 September 2010. Mereka adalah anak-anak muda yang memiliki optimisme untuk mewujudkan wajah Indonesia di masa depan yang lebih baik lagi. Anak-anak muda itu tergabung dalam Indonesia Future Leaders (IFL).
President IFL Muhammad Iman Usman tidak datang sendirian menghadap Wapres. Ia membawa serta beberapa duta yang tahun ini aktif mengampanyekan pentingnya pencapaian Millenium Development Goals (MDGs). Kampanye dan sosialisasi MDGs adalah salah satu program penting IFL tahun ini yang juga mendapat dukungan dari Kantor Perwakilan Perserikatan bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) di Indonesia.
Siang itu, Iman datang bersama tiga Duta MDGs yakni Rozana Pratiwi dari Universitas Hassanudin Makassar , Lutvi Amin dari SMAN I Blitar, dan Adinda Juliani Kdari SMAN I Cianjur. Turut hadir pula Jessica Angkasa, mahasiswi Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) yang juga Ketua Pelaksana program I Speak for MDGs. Sedangkan yang mendampingi mereka adalah Utusan Khusus Presiden Indonesia untuk MDGs Nila Moeloek dan juga Koordinator Nasional PBB untuk MDGs Campaign Wilson Siahaan. IFL adalah organisasi anak muda yang menginginkan pengembangan kepemimpinan di kalangan kaum muda Indonesia.“Pengurus IFL berjumlah 30 orang dan berusia di bawah 24 tahun serta tidak dibayar,” ujar Iman.
“Saya senang dan bangga sekali melihat anak-anak muda mempunyai inisiatif seperti ini,” ujar Wapres. Fokus pada estafet kepemimpinan kepada generasi muda, menurut Wapres, adalah fokus yang sangat tepat. Program mengkampanyekan MDGs juga merupakan tema yang tepat, sehingga tinggal mengisinya dengan kegiatan pas. "Pimpinan masa depan, tidak hanya pintar secara akademis, tetapi juga memiliki sikap dan integritas. Kalau saya masih muda pasti saya akan ikut IFL,” ujar Wapres dengan mimik wajah serius.
“Kami yakin, pencapaian MDGs perlu melibatkan anak-anak muda,” ujar Iman. IFL mengupayakan penyebaran kesadaran mengenai MDGs sejak awal 2010 melalui sejumlah talkshow, kompetisi proyek pengembangan masyarakat, dan perkemahan relawan ke berbagai sekolah di Indonesia. “Salah satu bentuk kerjasama IFL dengan PBB adalah menggelar program I Speak for MDGs,” ujar Wilson. Rangkaian kegiatan I Speak for MDGs dimulai dengan pengumpulan 55.000 kartu pos berisi testimoni anak-anak dari 12 provinsi tentang pendidikan. Kartu pos yang terkumpul akan disusun menjadi sebuah komposisi Peta Indonesia yang akan dipamerkan.
Wapres menyetujui pandangan Iman bahwa pencapaian MDGs tidak bisa hanya mengandalkan Pemerintah, melainkan juga harus melibatkan masyarakat termasuk generasi muda. “Kesehatan dan pendidikan adalah kunci pencapaian MDGs, karena fokusnya pada manusia,”ujar Wapres. Sejarah menunjukkan bahwa kunci kemajuan suatu bangsa adalah manusia, bukan berdasarkan jumlah melainkan kualitasnya. Kesehatan merupakan hardware manusia, dan pendidikan adalah software-nya.
Para Duta MDGs juga masih mengeluhkan mutu pendidikan di Indonesia, Misalnya, kurikulum yang terlalu berat dengan begitu banyaknya mata pelajaran di sekolah formal. “Ada beberapa mata pelajaran yang tidak perlu diajarkan di sekolah formal,” ujar Juliani. Masih belum cukup dengan keluhan mengenai kurikulum, Juliani juga mempertanyakan kualitas guru. Ia mengibaratkan generasi penerus bangsa adalah sebuah botol kosong, dan isi botol itu kelak sangat tergantung pada yang mengisinya. “Siapa yang mengisinya? Guru-guru itulah yang akan mengisinya, bagaimana bisa kita berharap jika kualitas guru kurang baik?” ujar Juliani.
Memang, kunci pendidikan yang baik dan berkualitas terletak pada kurikulum yang pas. “Pembawa kurikulum yang tidak lain guru harus dapat mengajarkan dengan baik,”ujar Wapres menanggapi keluhan Juliani. Saat ini, memang kurikulum masih terasa terlalu berat dan juga kemampuan para guru belum merata. “Tetapi sambil menunggu perbaikan, jangan menyerah. Tetap semangat belajar ya,” ujar Wapres yang mencontohkan pemanfaatan internet sebagai alternatif untuk menutupi segala kekurangan yang ada."Kelemahan yang ada jangan menjadi excuse," tambah Wapres.
Pada kesempatan itu, IFL juga meminta Wapres menulis pesan kepada seluruh anak-anak Indonesia yang akan disebarluaskan ke seluruh Indonesia. "Selamat berkarya, jika untuk kemajuan generasi muda, pasti saya dukung," tutur Wapres. (Bey Machmuddin).
http://www.wapresri.go.id/index/preview/kegiatan/647 : sumber situs resmi wapres RI
A PIECE OF PRAYER, A PIECE OF HOPE to my dear President
A PIECE OF PRAYER, A PIECE OF HOPE to my dear President
by Adinda Juliani K on Monday, August 23, 2010 at 5:10pm ·
Dear Mr. President, "Iwanna speak for MDGs"
"I wanna speak for Indonesia"
"I wanna speak for Education"
My name is Adinda, just right after a moment seeing the bold words, a question popped up in my mind "Education, Indonesia..What should be done to improve oureducation " ? If we're talking about "improve" then we must see from the fundamental part, Government.
As a student, as an 18 year-old girl, as a citizen of Indonesia I might have the same voice about our 'Dream Education'. Perhaps my beloved President would like to take a moment to see your-people point of view.With all do my respects allow me to speak my aspirations.
Honorable Mr.President , as what becoming my most concerns about our education are the educating system as in the"Curriculum" and HRD as in the "teachers to-be". First, the nowadays curriculum is having us to have up to 16 subjects in a formal school. Questions :
- Are we a super 'robot' students enough to receive up to 16 subjects at formal school?
- Or are we aso much 'lack-off' students till we've got so much to learn up to 16 subjects at formal school ?
\- This nowadays curriculum is a master enough toproduce a well confused graduatedhigh school's students in choosing what to study in University ?, because they've never gotten spesified.
\- Nor producing a not-ready human resources to compete in the job vacancy.
\- Infact, Majoring Schools are more effective as in more spesified and a ready employment. But, are we still not questioning their capabilities ?
{based on what majorly happens}
Shortly, I'm finding that our current curriculum is not that effective.
Second, about "teachers to-be" as we all know before becoming a teacher, they must follow certain testas 'CPNS – test', but I'm finding it not effective as the fact of many 'cases appear'. Why am I concerning this, because our young generations are like an empty bottle who will be what it isfilling in with, so, anyone who fills it will determine of what ouryoung generations are going to be.{without omitting other secunder factors}
Honorable Mr. President, If I'm allowed I'd liketo speak my solutions as the cases I came up with, as a forward to the first matter, I think that adopting some developed countries' curriculum is seemed to be the solution. And for the second matter, I'd still think "CPNS-test" is not that failed,But it would be best after passing the test, they must follow a "Training"session whether it's 8 months – 1 year training so that related government can see were they qualified or not.
But, this "Dream Education" will be nothing if not all the people of Indonesia cannot receive exactly the same they deserve.
Simply my beloved President,
•LAW(Education System/Curriculum)
•Q-HRD(Qualified Human Resource Development)
•Competitive YoungGenerations /
a competitive final products are ready to lead this so much potential country, Indonesia !
Proud to be Indonesian !
Adinda Juliani K
Speak for MDGs Youth Ambassador - Indonesia
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Narrative Text "LET ME LOVE YOU" - #4 Writing Assignment
Once upon a time, there was once a guy who was very much in love with this girl. This romantic guy folded 1,000 pieces of papercranes as a gift to his girl. Although, at that time he was just a small executive in his company, his future doesn't seem too bright, they were very happy together. Until one day, his girl told him she was going to Paris and will never come back.She also told him that she cannot visualize any future for the both of them, so let's go their own ways there and then... heartbroken, the guy agreed. When he regained his confidence, he worked hard day and night, just to make something out of himself. Finally with all these hard work and with the help of friends, this guy had set up his own company... "You never fail until you stop trying." he always told himself. "I must make it in life!" One rainy day, while this guy was driving, he saw an elderly couple sharing an umbrella in the rain walking to some destination. Even with the umbrella, they were still drenched. It didn't take him long to realize those were his ex-girlfriend's parents. With a heart in getting back at them, he drove slowly beside the couple, wanting them to spot him in his luxury saloon. He wanted them to know that he wasn't the same anymore, he had his own company, car, condo, etc. He had made it in life! Before the guy can realize, the couple was walking towards a cemetery, and he got out of his car and followed them...and he saw his exgirlfriend, a photograph of her smiling sweetly as ever at him from her tombstone... and he saw his precious papercranes in a bottle placed beside her tomb. Her parents saw him.He walked over and asked them why this had happened. They explained that she did not leave for France at all. She was stricken ill with cancer. In her heart, she had believed that he will make it someday, but she did not want her illness to be his obstacle ... therefore she had chosen to leave him. She had wanted her parents to put his papercranes beside her, because, if the day comes when fate brings him to her again he can take some of those back with him. The guy just wept
Reference taken from : http://www.englishdirection.com/2011/01/contoh-lain-text-narrative-let-me-love.html
Once upon a time, there was once a guy who was very much in love with this girl. This romantic guy folded 1,000 pieces of papercranes as a gift to his girl. Although, at that time he was just a small executive in his company, his future doesn't seem too bright, they were very happy together. Until one day, his girl told him she was going to Paris and will never come back.She also told him that she cannot visualize any future for the both of them, so let's go their own ways there and then... heartbroken, the guy agreed. When he regained his confidence, he worked hard day and night, just to make something out of himself. Finally with all these hard work and with the help of friends, this guy had set up his own company... "You never fail until you stop trying." he always told himself. "I must make it in life!" One rainy day, while this guy was driving, he saw an elderly couple sharing an umbrella in the rain walking to some destination. Even with the umbrella, they were still drenched. It didn't take him long to realize those were his ex-girlfriend's parents. With a heart in getting back at them, he drove slowly beside the couple, wanting them to spot him in his luxury saloon. He wanted them to know that he wasn't the same anymore, he had his own company, car, condo, etc. He had made it in life! Before the guy can realize, the couple was walking towards a cemetery, and he got out of his car and followed them...and he saw his exgirlfriend, a photograph of her smiling sweetly as ever at him from her tombstone... and he saw his precious papercranes in a bottle placed beside her tomb. Her parents saw him.He walked over and asked them why this had happened. They explained that she did not leave for France at all. She was stricken ill with cancer. In her heart, she had believed that he will make it someday, but she did not want her illness to be his obstacle ... therefore she had chosen to leave him. She had wanted her parents to put his papercranes beside her, because, if the day comes when fate brings him to her again he can take some of those back with him. The guy just wept
Reference taken from : http://www.englishdirection.com/2011/01/contoh-lain-text-narrative-let-me-love.html
Spoof Text - "THE PHONE WAS OFF" - #3 Writing Assignment
Soon after he left college, Dave found one of his uncles who was very rich and had no children of his own died and left him a lot of money, so he decided to set up his own real estate agency.
Dave found a nice office. He bought some new furniture and moved in. he had only been there for e few hours when he heard someone coming toward the door of his office.
“It must be my first customer” Dave thought. He quickly picked up the telephone and pretended to be very busy answering an important call from someone in New York who wanted to buy a big and expensive house in the country.
The man knocked at the door while this was going on. He came in and waited politely for Dave to finish his conversation on the phone. Then the man said to Dave; “I am from the telephone company and I was sent here to connect your telephone”
Reference taken from : http://understandingtext.blogspot.com/
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