Saturday, April 21, 2012

“I Miss My Clean Water”

                                               “I Miss My Clean Water”

ater? What is the first thing that comes out from your head after hearing the word Water? (taking a bath, cooking, and bla..bla..bla..) If these kind of words you mean, exactly. Water is such a crucial element on earth that directly related to humans, animals, and plants. The existence of water makes the earth balance. Here I have a sample of case.
“The Aral Sea in Central Asia was once the world’s fourth biggest inland sea, and one of the world’s most fertile regions. But, economic mismanagement had turned the area into a toxic desert. The two rivers feeding the sea, the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya, were diverted in a Soviet scheme to grow cotton in the desert. Between 1962 and 1994, the level of the Aral Sea fell by 16 metres. The surrounding region now has one of the highest infant mortality in the world, and anemia and cancers caused by chemicals blowing off the dried sea bed are common”. The matter above is a sample of case that lack of clean water.
Because water is source of life. No water, it means no life. Now we’re talking about a “Clean Water”. So allow me to tell you the importance why we should keep the water clean.

Nowadays clean water is getting difficult to find. Do you have any idea why? There are so many reasons why does it could be happened. Such as:
  1. Throwing the garbage everywhere
  2.  Industrial wastes
  3. Natural disasters

First, is throwing the garbage everywhere is the same case that happened in Bandung 4years ago. Still remember about the biggest case ever happened in Bandung about garbage? Yes, it was once called “The Sea of Garbage”. For throwing the garbage everywhere is a people habit that doesn’t really care to their own life environment. They knew it can cause a bad impact, but they just did it again and again.

Second, is industrial waste. Many industries doing the process of producing didn’t support the green living. They put the waste materials to place where they’re not supposed to be. Which is can make environment pollution. As we all know that it’s literally dangerous for the living creatures especially humans who live surrounded. It is possible for them to use the water which has contaminated by a dangerous liquid.

And the last, is natural disaster. Natural disaster is one of the reasons why clean water is hard to find. For example now on often happens is flood. Particularly in this unpredictable season, flood can make clean water becomes a dirty water. And a dirty water can’t be used anymore because it has been polluted by so many chemical things like garbage, etc.

Have we ever thought of what would happen if those happened continuously? I’ve told that no water means no life, right? People use water almost in every daily life activities like taking a bath, cooking, eating, and so on. Can you imagine what would happen if a dirty water that they use everyday? Guys, dirty water contains a thousands of bacteries and bacteries can be a source of diseases, and diseases can create a death for us!! See, it is so bad if we don’t keep the water clean.

Our government is really sad about this. And I’m sure we do all feel the same way. The government is trying to overcome this issue by making the rules. For example is in Cianjur. There’s a Regency rules No. 15 2004 about “5K“. It’s all including about to keep a health life environment. Also as the worlds issue the United Nation and its member countries have come up with MDGs target #7 that is ”To ensure environmental sustainability”

And for the young generation, including me also, have an important role in keeping a healthy environment. Maybe we play a small role but it is also important.
The simplest way we can do is putting the rubbish or garbage into the place where its belong, or to voice to our friends to keep our environment clean.
But I think  it is all going back to us, it is all depending to our ownselves. If we don’t start it by now, then when? I’m sure, I can even put you 100% that we’re going to have a better life, much more better. And you know why? Because we can be far diseases, have a healthy life, a clean air and of course hospitals are going to be empety because we’re all healthy and never get sick, right?
So please I miss my clean water, I miss where there’s no more crying, teardrops, suffering, and dying because we’re lack of clean water.
Start it by now, talk less do more. Because every little piece of things you do, means a lot for the earth. Do they make sense to you guys? Do you agree with me?

Stop Global Warming
Love the earth as you love your self.
Enough talk, Let’s Stand Up Take Action

Adinda Juliani K
Speak for MDGs Youth Ambassador – Indonesia

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